Thursday 14 January 2010

a life skill i don't quite have

Right if you're like me then you will have been trudging around in snow and slush and all kinds of crap for a few weeks now and it's sucked, every minute of it. Worst of all your leather boots are all now covered with a white salt tide mark from all the grit that has been thrown down, so it's about time you use that boot polish for your footwear rather than that racially dubious fancy dress outfit.

What you'll need is:

Boot polish (doye!)
Old Tooth brush
Leather brush (or any clean fairly tough brush)
A chamois (I use a duster when I can't find one)
And some elbow grease

I could explain how to do it myself but I have limited butling skills, this guy however butles with the best of 'em. I will say though that this is an important skill to have as it will add years to the leather on your shoes and boots and there is no excuse for tatty leather. Go forth and buff!

(Total lame out post I know but I've taken my sleeping tablet and had a glass of wine so I'm a ticking time bomb.)