Tuesday 23 March 2010

regina vs hennes and mauritz

Right, jury duty is dull or disturbing and nothing in between. You're bored and want something -anything- to do, then you'll get a case and it'll be dull so you'll be bored and having to pay attention to boring things. Then that's over and you're just bored again, then you catch another case and it's Sexual Assault and your not bored anymore but upset and disturbed and you wish you were bored again. This last for two weeks and it's so tiring that you can't do anything when you get home so you're bored again until you fall asleep.

To break up to monotony I've been kicking around Leicester town center on my lunch, which in itself is a monotonous place but beats the hell out of the Crown Court jury pen which is indescribable, so I'll leave it at that. After going to a couple of slightly over priced vintage shops I made my way to H&M and then to Topman and bugger me bluntly if I wasn't immediately struck by the role reversal of the two. H&M was rack after rack of unwearable and cheap looking clothes none of which I wanted (bar the oversized, ragged, faux mohair jumper that I bought for £10 from the sale rail) Topman in comparison had some excellent denim, both jeans and shirts had be umming and arring the current state of my overdraft.

Sure Topman had it's share of dayglo t-shirts and studded belts but I really liked a good 1/4 of the stuff in there which wasn't ostentatiously cheap with over design, just good solid pieces and none too pricey. I would tend to only go into Topman if I needed a specific piece of clothing that I knew they stocked but now I could happily deck myself out in an entire outfit. Perhaps it's that high street fashion is now falling more into my boundaries of taste the last few seasons but there has definitely been substantial efforts made by Topman to keep up with current trends rather than being it's usual year+ behind.

It's a shame because H&M used to be a staple but they have really dropped the ball of late leaving it to Topman and UniQlo to fight over. My case in point is the only thing I found worthy of hard cash was in the sale rail and I wouldn't have spent over £10 on this jumper especially as I had to spend 10 minutes at home removing a hideous studded leather tag from the hem. Though it's not just that H&M is worse than it used to be it's also down to the top job Topman is now doing with it's menswear, if they could only sort out their fit...