Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Kanye West, bigger than Jesus?

This is better than porn or at least close. There is a moment just as Jay Leno mentions Kanye's mum where I actually get aroused, not illegal German porn aroused or even embarrassing shuffle off the bus aroused but I definitely felt something.

In a country with an ego problem where film stars can make it into the White House and foreign body builders can become state Governors, Kanye West finds it hard to put a foot wrong but picking on the young, white, blond, country girl is a step too far. So far that President Obama has declared West a "jackass" which is close-enough-makes-no-difference to "fuckwit" for me.

Finally the world is coming round to the idea that Kanye West is as charming as a genital wart -not much of a shocker I'm afraid- the man is abhorrent in every sense and his talent goes only as far as his ego can push it. A string of piss weak albums and clothing lines that look like they were designed by 1980's Polish gangsters leaves me wondering where Kanye got started on his full frontal assault on my senses and more importantly where will he stop? With any luck the worm has turned and finally Kanye, drunk on his own ego, has pushed the envelope of illusion too far and the American public -easily foxed by the smoke and mirrors- will see Kanye for the fat, talentless nerd that he truly is. This is my hope at least, no doubt all is forgiven after his boner educing cry fest with Jay Leno and we will be back to West spouting such sensationalist classics as "President Bush doesn't care about Black people" without as much as a murmur of discontent from 'the fans'. Though perhaps not- The Beatles nearly cocked it with their "bigger than Jesus" slur and right now in America there is a very fine line between Country & Western and divinity, so hopefully, with a bit of old fashioned faith and prayer we may see the last of the High School Drop Out.